admin, Author at Early Intervention Technical Assistance Portal - Page 3 of 5

Routines and Activities

Use this resource with families to make decisions about how intervention can be embedded into daily routines and activities.

Friendship Skills

Use this tool to support families or teachers with strategies about peer and friendship skill development.

Why Does S/he Do That!?

While childhood is a time of growth and exploration, growing up isn’t easy.  Nor is it always easy supporting a child in that process. There is so much to learn and to teach in order for a child to develop the skills needed to successfully manage himself/herself across the myriad of circumstances of daily living.  … Continued

The Value of Family Culture: From Conflict to Shared Understanding

In the course of your everyday work you are bound to interact with families whose beliefs or values about child rearing, communication, and everyday activities such as feeding, sleeping, toileting, discipline, and play are different from your own. It is important to recognize that these attitudes and beliefs are often bound by culture. Families, including … Continued

15 Minutes a Day to School Success!

Time is precious to families and just 15 minutes can seem like a lot of time with everything they need to get done in a day. But what if they knew that reading aloud to their child for just 15 minutes a day could be the single greatest contribution to their child’s school success? How … Continued

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