admin, Author at Early Intervention Technical Assistance Portal - Page 4 of 5

Talking to Families about Challenging Behavior

Discussing a child’s challenging behavior can be less stressful and more productive when you invest in relationships, stick to facts, and focus on solutions. Talking to families can be intimidating. It can be made easier when it’s the child that constantly makes you laugh or you have a cute anecdote to share with the family member … Continued

Soothe with Singing: The Power of Lullabies

Can you remember a lullaby that was sung to you?  Perhaps it was a traditional lullaby, like Hush, Little Baby or Itsy-Bitsy Spider, or a favorite song such as A Bushel and a Peck or Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Lullabies are a wonderful way to soothe and calm little ones and serve a greater purpose … Continued

Culture ≠ One Size Fits All

Culture is… a learned, interrelated, adaptive, shared, symbolic, dynamic, transmitted and constantly moving entity that most often facilitates discussions and communication. The word culture is from the Latin word cultura which derives from the Latin word colere. Its root meaning ‘to cultivate’ references patterns of human activities, symbols and structure and mental capacity. We are all shaped … Continued

DOTs – What are They?!

They are part of your quest to find better ways to involve families and caregivers in sessions! Talking with families about their children’s development can be challenging as you wonder… how much is too much information? What are the topics that matter most to families? What developmental skills cross domains and are essential for learning? … Continued

Suspension/Expulsion in ECE: Why It Matters

    While supporting children in early childhood settings, does it feel like classrooms are becoming more challenging? Do teachers think that it is harder to teach and work with some young children because of their difficult behavior? If so, you are not alone. This is something that is being shared nationally. You may be seeing stories … Continued

Celebrating the Importance of Early Childhood Education through Reading

“To learn to read is to light a fire.” –Victor Hugo Here at EITA, we know the importance of high quality early childhood education, early intervention and the role that literacy plays in early success in schools. So, on Thursday, October 27, 2016, we encourage you to join Jumpstart, a national organization that is working … Continued

Do You Know What Deaf-Blindness Really Is?

When is the last time you gave serious thought that a child on your case load may be Deaf-Blind? Do you know how to find technical assistance for team’s working with a child with Deaf-Blindness and support for the family? Children who have both hearing and visual impairments are usually considered to have Deaf-Blindness, although they … Continued

Child Development: What’s Style Got to Do with It?

Ask most parents who have more than one child and they will tell you how completely different they are from one another. Each child has his or her own unique style. One might be energetic, outgoing and inquisitive while another might be reserved and reflective. So what do parents and other caregivers need in order … Continued

Lead and Learn – Coming Soon!

This part of the blog is reserved for monthly posts that directly support our Early Intervention Leaders. Please stop back for our first post shortly!

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