Featured Professional Development & Resources

Baby Navigator

Baby Navigator is the place to find all you need to track your baby’s progress and learn how to encourage the magic. What you do and say can make all the difference! You will learn how early signs of language delay and Autism can impact your child’s development, what you can do about it, and how you can build your care team.​

Lookbooks: Gestures and Actions to Observe by 16 months

Promoting early social interactions and engagement are critical pillars to a child’s development. Early surveillance of challenge and/or delay in these domains of development are important for the overall success of a child’s engagement with the world around them. These Lookbooks highlight 16 gestures and 16 actions that young children should demonstrate by 16 months of age.
By catching these signs early in a child’s development, early intervention can be accessed earlier and promote a child’s success!

This Lookbook illustrates the 16 early signs of autism that unfold from 9 to 16 months to help you detect possible symptoms associated with autism.

Autism Navigator

Autism Navigator® is a place for professionals and families to find an extensive catalog of web-based courses, a video library, and synchronous learning opportunities, participants will gain access to current evidence-based practices and resources specific to supporting young children with or at risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

About Autism in Toddlers

Free web-based course for professionals, families and others interested in learning about autism in young children. If you wish to earn PA Infant Toddler Early Intervention clock hours for this course, register through the professional development page of the EITA portal. If you want to earn PQAS credit for this course, register through the PD Registry through the Pennsylvania Key.

Autism Navigator for Early Intervention

Autism Navigator for Early Intervention is explicitly created for Early Intervention professionals working with families with young children.

Autism Navigator and Baby Navigator Webinars for Families and Professionals

Additional webinars are available as a companion to the Autism Navigator courses and Baby Navigator resources. Professionals and families can participate in the live webinars together or on their own. There is also an advanced series for professionals.

Highlighted Resources

Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules (AFIRM)

Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules (AFIRM) is a source for families & professionals to learn about evidence-based practices (EBP) for learners with Autism. The modules are based on research and proven effectiveness for both your child’s age (0-22 years) and the skill domain you would like to help your child learn and develop (i.e. joint attention or adaptive). Using engaging case examples, videos, interactive assessments each AFIRM Module includes: Explaining the Basics of the EBP, Planning the EBP, Using the EBP, and Monitoring Progress once implemented; plus they provide specific resources that you can download and customize for your own use.

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