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Suspension/Expulsion in ECE: Why It Matters

    While supporting children in early childhood settings, does it feel like classrooms are becoming more challenging? Do teachers think that it is harder to teach and work with some young children because of their difficult behavior? If so, you are not alone. This is something that is being shared nationally. You may be seeing stories … Continued

Celebrating the Importance of Early Childhood Education through Reading

“To learn to read is to light a fire.” –Victor Hugo Here at EITA, we know the importance of high quality early childhood education, early intervention and the role that literacy plays in early success in schools. So, on Thursday, October 27, 2016, we encourage you to join Jumpstart, a national organization that is working … Continued

Do You Know What Deaf-Blindness Really Is?

When is the last time you gave serious thought that a child on your case load may be Deaf-Blind? Do you know how to find technical assistance for team’s working with a child with Deaf-Blindness and support for the family? Children who have both hearing and visual impairments are usually considered to have Deaf-Blindness, although they … Continued

Child Development: What’s Style Got to Do with It?

Ask most parents who have more than one child and they will tell you how completely different they are from one another. Each child has his or her own unique style. One might be energetic, outgoing and inquisitive while another might be reserved and reflective. So what do parents and other caregivers need in order … Continued

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