Highlighted Trainings

Upcoming Live Learning Events

We are pleased to present a diverse selection of live trainings – some in-person and some online. Whenever a new training is offered, you will find it here, so bookmark this page and come back soon!

Date Name Description Registration Link Credits Offered

March 28, 2025

1:00 – 2:00pm

Coaching Chat

Routines for EI

Participants will receive a short (2-3 page) article on a topic related to the PA Early Intervention Service Delivery Model and are expected to read the article prior to the webinar. During the webinar, participants will engage in facilitated reflection and discussion to identify ways to bring the information into their practice.

Presenter: Sue Ann Boyles

Target Audience: Coaching Chats are open to all working in Early Intervention, but designed specifically for Early Interventionists, Evaluators, and Service Coordinators working in Infant Toddler Early Intervention.

Event Type: Virtual Webinar


Credits: Infant Toddler Training Hours,

Coaching Approved Training (CAT) Hours


April 10, 2025

9:00am – 3:30pm

Supporting Early Communication and Cognitive Growth through Brain Development Insights

Brain Development

Utilizing The Growing Brain: From Birth to 5 Years Old curriculum, this training will examine the relationship between brain development in the early years and how early communication and cognitive skills unfold. Participants will identify milestones and learn strategies for supporting those developmental areas.

Target Audience: This session is designed for Infant Toddler Early intervention staff, Preschool Early Intervention staff, and early childhood education professionals.

Event Type: In-person at PaTTAN Central (Harrisburg)

Alternate Locations:

April 29, 2025 9:00 am – 3:30 pm Allegheny IU 3



Infant Toddler Training Hours,

Act 48 Clock Hours


April 11, 2025

8:30 – 9:30 am

Introduction to the PA Session Note

A comprehensive introduction to Pennsylvania Early Intervention session notes. This session will emphasize the effective documentation of key principles of the service delivery model. Participants will explore how the design of these notes can enhance caregiver participation and build their capacity to embed interventions between sessions.

Presenter: Liz Kuschke, EITA Consultant

Target Audience: This webinar is designed for Infant Toddler Early Intervention service providers who complete session notes. This session is also appropriate for those who review Infant Toddler service delivery documentation.

Event Type: Webinar



Infant Toddler Training Hours,

Act 48 Clock Hours,

Coaching Approved Training (CAT) Hours


April 25, 2025

1:00 – 2:00pm

Coaching Chat

Building Routines

Participants will receive a short (2-3 page) article on a topic related to the PA Early Intervention Service Delivery Model and are expected to read the article prior to the webinar. During the webinar, participants will engage in facilitated reflection and discussion to identify ways to bring the information into their practice.

Presenter: Sue Ann Boyles

Target Audience: Coaching Chats are open to all working in Early Intervention, but designed specifically for Early Interventionists, Evaluators, and Service Coordinators working in Infant Toddler Early Intervention.

Event Type: Virtual Webinar


Credits: Infant Toddler Training Hours,

Coaching Approved Training (CAT) Hours


April 29, 2025

9:00am – 3:30pm

Supporting Early Communication and Cognitive Growth through Brain Development Insights

Brain Development

Utilizing The Growing Brain: From Birth to 5 Years Old curriculum, this training will examine the relationship between brain development in the early years and how early communication and cognitive skills unfold. Participants will identify milestones and learn strategies for supporting those developmental areas.

Target Audience: This session is designed for Infant Toddler Early intervention staff, Preschool Early Intervention staff, and early childhood education professionals.

Event Type: In-person at Allegheny IU 3


Registration Information



Infant Toddler Training Hours,

Act 48 Clock Hours


April 30, 2025

1:30 – 3:00pm

Care-Providers Are People Too: Using Daily Routines to Embed Opportunities to Support and Learn

Wellbeing of Care-providers and Those We Serve

People who care for individuals with Autism, Developmental Disorders, and/or Intellectual Disabilities (i.e., care-providers) are frequently under a great deal of stress. Despite this stress, they are often asked to adhere to procedures for which they may have no formal training including behavioral interventions, medical interventions, speech/language interventions, occupational and physical therapy, and many others. It is often assumed that care-providers are well positioned to implement this wide range of interventions without coaching, support or feedback.

The presenter, who is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst, will make a case that expectations for care-providers can and should be managed (at least in the area of behavioral interventions) such that expectations are much more reasonable, without compromising the learning and well-being of the child. He will cite and explain the vast literature base supporting simplified, fun, healthy, and engaging activities that consider the wellbeing of care-providers along with the wellbeing of individuals we serve.

Presenter: Dr. Timothy R. Vollmer, Ph.D., BCBA-D, University of Florida

Target Audience: This webinar is designed for Infant Toddler and Preschool Early Interventionists and Family Support/Home Visiting Staff.

Event Type: Virtual Webinar


Registration Information



Infant Toddler Training Hours,

Act 48 Clock Hours,

Coaching Approved Training (CAT) Hours


May 22, 2025

12:30 – 1:30pm

New Leader Chats

Leadership Networking

A series of one-hour networking opportunities where new EI leaders can discuss EI procedures, processes, current topics, and resources important to the operation of programming for infants, toddlers, and preschool children with disabilities and their families.  Early Intervention Leadership Guide, located on the Leadership page on the EITA portal, will be used as the foundation. Join us for a one-hour networking session.

Target Audience: This session is designed for Early Intervention Infant Toddler and Preschool directors, administrators, or others who have supervisory or leadership responsibilities.

Event Type: Webinar Series


You may register online by clicking on the Register link found on the Leadership Page on the EITA Portal under New Leader Chats.


Please note:

No credit offered for Infant Toddler clock hours or Act 48.


May 23, 2025

1:00 – 2:00pm

Coaching Chat

Observing Families in Routines

Participants will receive a short (2-3 page) article on a topic related to the PA Early Intervention Service Delivery Model and are expected to read the article prior to the webinar. During the webinar, participants will engage in facilitated reflection and discussion to identify ways to bring the information into their practice.

Presenter: Sue Ann Boyles

Target Audience: Coaching Chats are open to all working in Early Intervention, but designed specifically for Early Interventionists, Evaluators, and Service Coordinators working in Infant Toddler Early Intervention.

Event Type: Virtual Webinar


Credits: Infant Toddler Training Hours,

Coaching Approved Training (CAT) Hours


June 27, 2025

1:00 – 2:00pm

Coaching Chat

SSOOPPRR Home Visiting

Participants will receive a short (2-3 page) article on a topic related to the PA Early Intervention Service Delivery Model and are expected to read the article prior to the webinar. During the webinar, participants will engage in facilitated reflection and discussion to identify ways to bring the information into their practice.

Presenter: Sue Ann Boyles

Target Audience: Coaching Chats are open to all working in Early Intervention, but designed specifically for Early Interventionists, Evaluators, and Service Coordinators working in Infant Toddler Early Intervention.

Event Type: Virtual Webinar


Credits: Infant Toddler Training Hours,

Coaching Approved Training (CAT) Hours

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