Provides tools and resources to guide you through the process of making adaptations for individuals or groups of children who are experiencing challenges during every day routines and activities. This resource provides guidance for working with both toddlers and preschool-age children. As you explore various classroom situations you will find that they are linked to Pennsylvania’s Early Learning Standards for Toddlers and Pre-Kindergarten.
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning’s goal is for children with disabilities to participate and succeed in the same learning environments as their same age peers. Two policy statements have been issued by OCDEL to support effective inclusion. Supporting documents for these policy statements are also available.
This infographic from the Office of Child Development and Early Learning, shares the impact of inclusion for all children, families and communities.
Inclusive Schooling: Are you ready to make your school joyful? Do you believe a sense of belonging is a human need? The resources tab includes excellent mini-bytes and family resources to reinforce these vital ideas. Visit Inclusive Schooling to create environments where children flourish by strengthening the hearts, mindsets, and skillsets of the adults in their lives.
Building Relationships & Trust: You know that trust was an essential ingredient to building relationships AND resolving conflict? Take a look at the easy-to-implement strategies to increase trust in all of your relationships and enhance collaboration with families and colleagues!
Key Characteristics of High-Quality Inclusive Education (Video): This video, part of the STEMIE innovation for inclusion in early education video series, details the key characteristics of high-quality inclusive education.
Real-time information about available training opportunities for the PA Early Intervention system.
Monthly summary of new and existing online learning, professional development opportunities, and resources.
Monthly newsletter that provides information related to EI Service Delivery: Coaching Across Settings.
Early Intervention Technical Assistance (EITA) works on behalf of the Office of Child Development & Early Learning (OCDEL).