Fall 2024 Early Intervention Leadership Conference Schedule


The Fall 2024 EI Leadership Conference is designed for Infant Toddler and Preschool EI Leaders and is focused on inclusion, leadership development, and service delivery. Participants will learn about recent federal policies and procedures impacting early childhood programs and how these are being implemented at the state and local level. Participants will examine how they can promote comprehensive, inclusive and equitable participation for the children and families served by EI. Additional topics include change management, data analysis and reporting, and staff development resources.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Time Event Presenters Description Location Handouts
9:00 - 10:00am


Coffee and light breakfast provided

Registration Desk 1
10:00 - 10:30am


Shante' Brown, Deputy Secretary, Office of Child Development and Early Learning

Lisa Parker, Director, Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports

OCDEL staff welcome participants and discuss the purpose of the conference

Presidents Hall 3 & 4
10:30 - 11:30am

What's Happening at the National Level? Perspectives on Federal Policy and Programs Impacting Young Children and Families

Dr. Alissa Rausch, University of Denver

During this keynote, participants will learn about activities and initiatives impacting successful opportunities to support inclusive outcomes in early childhood. Participants will gain an understanding of how national initiatives and activities are contributing to efforts to promote comprehensive, inclusive and equitable participation in early care and learning for all young children and their families.
Presidents Hall 3 & 4

11:30 - 12:00pm

Family Perspectives on Inclusion

Dr. Sadia Batool, Melissa Egan Kerr, Wenxi Schwab, Tia Thompson, Family Leaders

During this panel, family leaders will share their experiences with inclusion and how it has impacted their children and families. Participants will gain an understanding of the impacts of inclusive environments on children and families throughout the Commonwealth.
Presidents Hall 3 & 4
12:00 - 1:00pm


Presidents Hall 1 & 2
1:00– 1:15pm

Travel to Session A

1:15 - 2:30pm

Breakout Sessions A

1. SS-OO-PP-RR for Leaders: Understanding the SS-OO-PP-RR Framework and Tools for Supporting Provider Implementation (Infant Toddler Focused)

Dr. Donna Miller, EITA

Samantha Weisbeck, EITA

The four components, Setting the Stage, Observation and Opportunities to Embed, Problem Solving and Planning, and Reflection and Review, identified by the acronym SS-OO-PP-RR, provide the framework for the PA Service delivery model of family-guided, routines-based intervention. In this session, leaders will learn how the SS-OO-PP-RR cycle supports providers and caregivers throughout an Early Intervention service delivery session. Information will be shared to build understanding of how the cycle is used to support the different learning styles of caregivers and child needs.
Deans Hall 2

2. Navigating Preschool Service Delivery with the CLT Implementation Guide (Preschool Focused)

Dr. Toni Miguel, EITA

Sue Ann Boyles, EITA

Wenxi Schwab, Family Leader

The Preschool Service Delivery Core Leadership Team (CLT) Implementation Guide provides ideas and resources to systemically implement Embedded Instruction with fidelity across Pennsylvania. This session is designed to help preschool CLT members address common dilemmas by becoming more familiar with the guide and the resources it offers. Participants will gain practical insights and strategies for using the guide to enhance service delivery, solve challenges, and develop actionable plans tailored to their program’s needs. Note: Participants should bring a laptop to this session.
Room 105

3. OSEP’s Differentiated Monitoring and Support 2.0 System

Emily Hackleman, Division Chief for the Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports

Staci Kenney, Division Chief for the Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports

Pennsylvania’s EI program is scheduled to participate as part the third cohort of states in the federal Office of Special Education Programs’ (OSEP) Differentiated Monitoring and Support 2.0 monitoring process. In this session, BEISFS representatives will discuss the federal process, review the protocols used by OSEP to monitor states, and share findings from states who have already been monitored. Participants will gain an understanding of the federal monitoring process and learn about the work being done to prepare in PA.
Deans Hall 1

4. A Leadership Approach to Trauma-Informed Care & the Pyramid Model

Jennifer Murphy, MS, ECMH-E®
Program Manager, Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Program
The Pennsylvania Key

Brandy Fox, LCSW, IECMH-E®,
Policy Program Manager, Infant-Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Program, The Pennsylvania Key

Trauma has a significant impact on young children, their families/caregivers, and even the workforce who support them. As leaders, we play a role in creating a trauma-informed workforce, building an environment that fosters professional resilience, and helping staff meet the needs of children and families affected by trauma. In this session, we will discuss how leaders can add the lens of Trauma-Informed Care to their existing work and how trauma-sensitive Pyramid Model practices can buffer the impact of traumatic stress and promote healing.
Room 106

5. Empowered to Navigating the Pain of Change (Part 1)

Dr. Veirdre Jackson, CEO/Founder of Living Strong Consulting LLC

Many have heard the quote that “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” Growth stops when you lose the tension of where you are and where you could be. Successfully navigating a time of tension is possible if leaders are willing to explore 4 strategies to R.E.A.L. team growth and empowerment.
Room 108
2:30 - 2:45pm

Snack Break and Travel to Session B

Snacks Provided
2:45 - 4:00pm

Breakout Sessions B

6. Infant Toddler Progress Monitoring: Making connections between the Seven Steps of Progress Monitoring and the Updated Session Note (Infant Toddler Focused)

Elizabeth Kuschke, EITA

Dr. Joanna Barton, EITA

This session will walk through the updated “Seven Steps of Progress Monitoring” course from a leadership perspective. Throughout the session, examples of the who, what, when/where and how of data collection will be reviewed. Strategies will be shared to help leaders work with their staff to develop progress monitoring strategies that gather the needed information. Participants will learn how to work with service coordinators and providers to use the current session note as a tool to document progress and tell the story of the child’s progress over time.
Deans Hall 2

7. The Preschool Service Delivery Learning Path…What Leaders Really Want to Know! (Preschool Focused)

Dr. Joy Polignano, EITA

Karen Neifer, EITA

Jodie Holmberg, EITA

This session will help leaders to understand what implementers experience as they proceed through the application portion of the Preschool Service Delivery Learning Path. An overview of each section of the Learning Path will be provided. Details of application activities and resources within each professional development activity will be shared.
Room 105

8. Formula for Change: Empowered to Navigating the Pain of Change (Part 2)

Dr. Veirdre Jackson, CEO/Founder of Living Strong Consulting LLC

One of the major challenges for leaders is guiding a “change process”. How does a leader get people at all levels to understand, accept and facilitate the implementation of the “new” process and practices. In this session, we will examine, discuss and share how to implement and lead a program wide process of infusing a 5 Part Framework for practices and policies throughout an evolving environment.
Room 108

9. Strategies for Using PELICAN-EI Data for Program Improvement

Emily Hackleman, Division Chief for the Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports

Heather Kawski, Advisor, Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports

Kelly O'Sada, Data Analyst, Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports

Mary Anketell, Project Manager with Early Intervention Technical Assistance

As an EI leader, you’ve been working hard to make sure that your PELICAN-EI data is accurate but you’re not sure of next steps for using data to improve your program. Come join us for an interactive session that will demonstrate strategies for using data to identify and solve performance concerns, timeline issues, and other program issues. Come to the session with your burning questions about how to better use your data for program improvement. Bring a computer with access to Excel and PELICAN-EI for an opportunity to practice new strategies.
Deans Hall 1

10. Assistive Technology for Young Children: An Essential Conversation So Let’s Talk About It! (Preschool Focused)

Dr. Shelley Chapin, EITA

Melissa Egan Kerr, Family Leader

Assistive Technology is everyone’s responsibility! This interactive session will review the January 2024 Dear Colleague Letter and Myths and Facts Documents (focusing on IDEA Part B Preschool) released by the Department of Education’s Office of Educational Technology and the Office of Special Education Programs. Considerations for making informed decisions about using AT, understanding “the why” of having these important conversations, focusing on the documentation, and identifying supports for barriers to providing access to AT for preschool-age children (and their families) receiving IDEA Part B Services will be discussed through small group and large group activities.
Room 106

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Time Event Presenters Description Location Handouts
7:30 - 9:00am


Continental breakfast provided

Presidents Hall 1 & 2
9:00 - 10:15am

Breakout Sessions C

11. Exploring the “Knowledge and Skills for Infant Toddler Service Coordinators” Tool: Guidance for Supporting Service Coordinators’ Success (Infant Toddler Focused)

Valerie Snyder, EITA

Elizabeth Friedman, EITA

This session will introduce the Knowledge and Skills for Infant Toddler Service Coordinators tool. Presenters will identify what the tool is as well as what it is not, followed by an overview of the items on the tool. The session will end with a discussion on how the tool can be used to support Infant Toddler service coordinators in their work with families.
Deans Hall 1

12. Connecting EITA Resources to the Framework for Teachers (Preschool Focused)

Dr. Jen Furness, EITA

Dr. Brandi Binakonsky, EITA

The Charlotte Danielson's 2011 "Framework for Teachers" is connected to the Pennsylvania Act 82 Educator Effectiveness process for Early Intervention (EI) professionals in Preschool EI. Preschool EI programs utilize the results of the Framework for Teachers to identify and determine each employee’s Annual Professional Goal and, if warranted, develop a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). As EI leaders, it may be difficult at times to construct and document accurate resources to support areas of growth and need for each of the four domains. This session will move through the Framework for Teachers with a crosswalk of EITA resources that directly support each domain.
Room 108

13. A System of Othering: Why We Do It and How We Can Change It

Jani Kozlowski, Early Childhood professional, author, speaker, technical assistance specialist and consultant

Research has shown that the primary challenge to early childhood inclusion rests within our own attitudes and beliefs. Therefore, in order to move the needle on inclusion, we all must understand the meaning of the term ableism and how it shows up in early learning and early intervention programs. Join us to consider alternatives to the common definition of disability and how this alternative way of thinking can impact our programs and practices. Together we will explore personal attitudes and beliefs about disability, learn about personal experiences with ableism through storytelling and reflection, and consider an alternative approach for supporting children with disabilities that will foster change and create solutions. Together we can confront ableism in our field and find solutions!
Deans Hall 2

14. Assistive Technology for Young Children: An Essential Conversation So Let’s Talk About It! (Infant Toddler Focused)

Dr. Shelley Chapin, EITA

Melissa Egan Kerr, Family Leader

Assistive Technology is everyone’s responsibility! This interactive session will review the January 2024 Dear Colleague Letter and Myths and Facts Documents (Focusing on IDEA Part C Infants and Toddlers) released by the Programs. Considerations for making informed decisions about using AT, understanding “the why” of having these important conversations, focusing on the documentation, and identifying supports for barriers to providing access to AT infants and toddlers (and their families) receiving IDEA Part C Services will be discussed through small group and large group activities.
Room 106

15. Tackling Difficult Conversations

Rasheeda Coston, Director of Coaching, The Pennsylvania Key

Barb Willier, M.Ed., Coaching Coordinator, The Pennsylvania Key

This session will help participants to understand the dynamics and reasons why conversations can be so tricky. They will engage with others to share trials and successes in having difficult conversations. Be prepared to share. Participants will be provided with simple but not easy tips to navigate challenging conversations.
Room 105
10:15 - 10:30am

Travel to General Session

Snacks Provided
10:30am - noon

Closing Keynote:
Every Child Can Fly - Working Together to Foster Inclusion

Jani Kozlowski, Early Childhood professional, author, speaker, technical assistance specialist and consultant

As an early childhood professional with a disability, a parent of a child with a disability, and a daughter of a parent with a disability, Jani Kozlowski has spent a lot of time thinking and wondering about collaborative relationships in the early childhood field. Plus, research has shown that collaboration creates a collective intelligence that is greater than the sum of its parts. These are powerful partnerships! How we can learn together using our own unique perspectives? What are the most important components in collaborative partnerships? What makes for a successful partnership? Let’s discuss! In this session, Jani will share personal stories, current research and evidence-based strategies for collaborating together to foster high-quality, inclusive learning environments. Together we can foster inclusion for each and every child and family.
Presidents Hall 3 & 4

Closing and Thank You

Lisa Parker, Director, Bureau of Early Intervention Services and Family Supports

Thank you and parting words
Presidents Hall 3 & 4

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