This collection of brief online interactions in intended to support knowledge and application of basic behavioral principles. In each topic, you will find definitions of common behavioral terms and/or processes and opportunities to practice applying these principles.
In this guide, there are resources addressing program policies, procedures, and practices that promote the positive social emotional development of young children, and create a climate of support for early childhood personnel and stronger partnerships with families.
This document provides definitions and program descriptions, a guide for families, and a tiered intervention approach to behavioral help resources in Pennsylvania.
Access published articles and reports, books, videos and presentations to support caregivers to develop infants' and toddlers’ ability to express emotions; manage emotions; develop empathy; and identify, understand, and respond to emotions in a healthy manner.
Access resources to support infant and toddler childcare teachers and providers for information and guidance to support the social and emotional development and wellbeing of very young children and to support their families.
Learn how to develop and strengthen relationships with infants/toddlers through infographics, articles and recorded learning sessions.
Resources offer content and strategies to support forming close & secure relationships, experiencing, managing and expressing emotions, and exploring the environment and learning. Under each of these topics you will find a variety of resources including infographics, articles with reflection questions, and example videos.
Resources to support the caregivers of infants and toddlers to care for oneself, reduce stress and promote wellness. Learn how to prioritize your own wellness and the wellness of staff so they can support the social and emotional wellness of very young children.
Resources to support infant/toddler caregivers to use a trauma-responsive, healing-centered approach when supporting infants, toddlers, and their families. Learn further about Trauma-Responsive Care for babies & toddlers; supporting babies & toddlers on their path to resilience; Trauma-Responsive Care strategies & practices; partnering with families to build their resilience; and fostering infant/toddler caregiver resilience.
Real-time information about available training opportunities for the PA Early Intervention system.
Monthly summary of new and existing online learning, professional development opportunities, and resources.
Monthly newsletter that provides information related to EI Service Delivery: Coaching Across Settings.
Early Intervention Technical Assistance (EITA) works on behalf of the Office of Child Development & Early Learning (OCDEL).