The SICC is a Governor appointed council that advises and assists the Departments of Health, Education, and Human Services to ensure that a comprehensive delivery system of integrated Early Intervention programs and services is available to all eligible infants, toddlers, and young children and their families.
To receive ongoing communications regarding the SICC, including meeting notifications, please email
It is a comprehensive, coordinated, collaborative, and cohesive system of supports that optimize a child’s development throughout their transitions, with emphasis on their value in society;
It supports, not supplants, the family’s responsibility of caring for their children;
It supports all children as active participants in the community as children first, not disability first, with attention to necessary adaptations;
It supports the concept of inclusion for all children;
It supports a team decision process that prioritizes a family’s selection of resources expended on their behalf;
It utilizes existing community resources and encourages the involvement of all citizens;
It is appropriately and adequately funded;
It acts as the central sounding board of the Early Intervention community.
SICC Meeting Handouts: Review handouts for the upcoming meeting.
Family Meet and Greet: Join us for an opportunity for families to learn more about the SICC.
SICC Membership List: View the current list of appointed SICC members.
SICC 2024-2025 Meeting Dates: Download the SICC Meeting Dates for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Real-time information about available training opportunities for the PA Early Intervention system.
Monthly summary of new and existing online learning, professional development opportunities, and resources.
Monthly newsletter that provides information related to EI Service Delivery: Coaching Across Settings.
Early Intervention Technical Assistance (EITA) works on behalf of the Office of Child Development & Early Learning (OCDEL).