Learn about the Early Intervention Communication Plan, which supports children who are deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf blind. 

Learn about deaf-blindness, review considerations for children who have combined hearing and vision loss, and explore a variety of resources.

Learn about deaf-blindness, its causes, and the impact of a combined vision and hearing loss on the development of very young children. Explore resources to aid in understanding the support of child-specific needs and collaboration between families and agencies. Discover the importance of routines, touch, and wait time for young children who are deaf-blind and potential modifications for the home environment.

Understand deafness and hearing loss in children under the age of five and how early detection can benefit a child’s development over a lifetime. Discover the first steps to identifying concerns and then connecting families to services and resources. Focus on understanding, screening, testing, service provider roles, and empowering families to support their child with hearing loss or deafness.

Clock Hours: 3
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