Learn how to establish, build, and maintain positive relationships which support the inclusion of all children in early childhood classrooms. Focus on working in partnership with other adults, and on exploring and demonstrating how the principles of partnership work together to support children, families, and one another.

Clock Hours: 5 Act 48 or IT Credit Hours

Learn how to establish, build, and maintain positive relationships which support the inclusion of all children in early childhood classrooms. Focus on working in partnership with other adults, and on exploring and demonstrating how the principles of partnership work together to support children, families, and one another.

Clock Hours: 5 IT Credit Hours

Explore how societal perceptions about disability have impacted early education practices and shaped service systems. Discover the benefits of inclusion for all children and adults. Consider how individual attitudes and beliefs are developed, how they shape peoples’ actions, and how they impact your practice, your colleagues, and the service system. Identify strategies for creating a sense of belonging for all children in the classroom.

Clock Hours: 5

Explore how societal perceptions about disability have impacted early education practices and shaped service systems. Discover the benefits of inclusion for all children and adults. Consider how individual attitudes and beliefs are developed, how they shape peoples’ actions, and how they impact your practice, your colleagues, and the service system. Identify strategies for creating a sense of belonging for all children in the classroom.

Clock Hours: 5

Using CARA’s Kit, Creating Adaptations for Routines and Activities, as a framework, learn to support both individuals and groups of children who are experiencing challenges in the classroom by making adaptations to the environment, routines, and activities. Learners will focus on how to conduct assessments, prioritize needs, and implement adaptations that support full inclusion for both toddlers and preschool-age children, and which apply to situations linked to Pennsylvania’s Early Learning Standards.

Clock Hours: 6

To support the inclusion of all children in early childhood settings, discover, practice, and assess the application of universal design and universal design for learning (UDL) principles with a focus on curriculum and the classroom environment.

Clock Hours: 6

To support the inclusion of all children in early childhood settings, discover, practice, and assess the application of universal design and universal design for learning (UDL) principles with a focus on curriculum and the classroom environment.

Clock Hours: 6

Discover a framework for successful collaboration, which provides quality, inclusive opportunities for every child. Focus areas include a guided self-reflection concerning collaboration with colleagues and others; the defining features of inclusion, access, participation, and supports; similarities and differences in laws, regulations, policies, and guidance related to inclusive practices across Pennsylvania’s early childhood education programs; and an exploration of the perspectives and use of disability language.

Clock Hours: 2

Discover a framework for successful collaboration, which provides quality, inclusive opportunities for every child. Focus areas include a guided self-reflection concerning collaboration with colleagues and others; the defining features of inclusion, access, participation, and supports; similarities and differences in laws, regulations, policies, and guidance related to inclusive practices across Pennsylvania’s early childhood education programs; and an exploration of the perspectives and use of disability language.

Clock Hours: 2
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