All organizations encounter change and adversity. Employee needs evolve, stakeholder attitudes shift, and the climates that Early Intervention programs operate within, change. Is your team prepared? Now, more than ever, successful teams demonstrate courage and resilience. Learn what resilience is and strategies for developing resilient traits and habits in your team. Explore how building psychological safety and creating a culture of continuous improvement encourages innovation and responsible risk-taking, in addition to examining how the role of positive work relationships and self-care impact resilience.
All organizations encounter change and adversity. Employee needs evolve, stakeholder attitudes shift, and the climates that Early Intervention programs operate within, change. Is your team prepared? Now, more than ever, successful teams demonstrate courage and resilience. Learn what resilience is and strategies for developing resilient traits and habits in your team. Explore how building psychological safety and creating a culture of continuous improvement encourages innovation and responsible risk-taking, in addition to examining how the role of positive work relationships and self-care impact resilience.
Motivation comes from internal and external forces and those forces are unique to every person. But why should Early Intervention (EI) and Home Visiting leaders learn about motivation? For starters, motivated employees are more productive, happier at work, and stick around longer. Discover how leaders can support programs and motivate employees by understanding the types of motivation and the unique forces that motivate individuals.
Motivation comes from internal and external forces and those forces are unique to every person. But why should Early Intervention (EI) and Home Visiting leaders learn about motivation? For starters, motivated employees are more productive, happier at work, and stick around longer. Discover how leaders can support programs and motivate employees by understanding the types of motivation and the unique forces that motivate individuals.
Workplace conflict stifles communication and productivity. At its worst, tensions escalate to aggression and constant negativity. That’s why it’s important to address conflict quickly. Learn to define common sources of conflict, typical responses to it, and learn techniques to resolve conflict, address anger, and stop negative behavior. Differences between teammates demonstrate a positive diversity of strengths and ideas. Learning to bridge contrasting perspectives with empathy and understanding are key to your Early Intervention (EI) and Home Visiting program’s productivity and effectiveness.
Workplace conflict stifles communication and productivity. At its worst, tensions escalate to aggression and constant negativity. That’s why it’s important to address conflict quickly. Learn to define common sources of conflict, typical responses to it, and learn techniques to resolve conflict, address anger, and stop negative behavior. Differences between teammates demonstrate a positive diversity of strengths and ideas. Learning to bridge contrasting perspectives with empathy and understanding are key to your Early Intervention (EI) and Home Visiting program’s productivity and effectiveness.
Learn about the four stages of team development, which will help you facilitate optimal performance and understand how the process inspires competence and commitment, together as a team. Take your team from the first meeting to a well-oiled machine!
Real-time information about available training opportunities for the PA Early Intervention system.
Monthly summary of new and existing online learning, professional development opportunities, and resources.
Monthly newsletter that provides information related to EI Service Delivery: Coaching Across Settings.
Early Intervention Technical Assistance (EITA) works on behalf of the Office of Child Development & Early Learning (OCDEL).